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Simon Ramsay | about How ammobin.ca reduced its Nuxt docker container image size by 60% using multi stage builds Oct 11, 2019 • Simon Background To run a nuxt.js server in production mode, one needs to ‘build’ it first using nuxt build .
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Down | 2014-07-30 + * [http:// frenchwltobamdhyq5y2egezkbnz53ws5kaa6wnscildhnegdw5nhsyd .onion / French World ] - French forum. − * [http:// 3vnjj7j6c6vw2yh5 .onion/ Forum/ Liberty's Hackers Board ] - Liberty's Hackers Board Down | 2014-07-30 + * [http:// trollodrome2.torpress2sarn7xw .onion/ forum/forum - non - modere/ Trollodrôme] - Forum non modéré . − * [http:// 2zfg3roohcxbm22l .onion/ lvn.php Le Tesseract] - Centre de formation ésotérique .
RC2014 can be bought from Tindie: https://www.tindie.com/stores/Semachthemonkey/ Endwall 09/06/2017 (Wed) 21:07:20 [Preview] No. 1016 del RC2014 Z80 Retrocomputing 18 - Z180 CPU board for RC2014 https://youtube.com/watch?v=D9u9hhNjcEY [ Embed ] Dr. Scott M. Baker In this video, I build and try out a Z180 CPU board to replace the Z80 CPU in my RC2014 retrocomputer.
[ h / librejp / sp / v ] [ ukko ] /sp/ - Sparts its a tampa kinda day Posting mode: Reply [Return] [Go to bottom] Name Email Subject Spoiler Image Comment File Or URL : Embed Password (For file deletion.) File: 1686419908647.png (493.54 KB, 570x712, 285:356, ClipboardImage.png ) GETWATCHER do it for Ted GETWATCHER do it for Ted 06/10/23 (Sat) 17:58:28 No. 1557806 [View All] https://getwatcher.net/ https://archive.ph/HZmNE 538 posts and 33 image replies omitted.
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He/Him or what ever you feel like. XMPP: [email protected] Avatar is an image of a baby octopus. 23 Posts 82 Comments Joined 2 years ago Cake day: September 19th, 2022 You are not logged in. If you use a Fediverse account that is able to follow users, you can follow this user.
Groups Events Stokes Croft Land Trust AGM Monday, 9 January Stokes Croft Land Trust AGM Short url:  https://squ.at/r/91lq Reserve your free ticket Notice for an Annual General Meeting for Stokes Croft Land Trust NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Stokes Croft Land Trust will be held at PRSC on Monday, January 9th 2023 from 6.30pm to transact the following business. AGENDA 1. Introduction and welcome 2. Election of new Board Members 3. Treasurer’s report & resolution...
In other words, from the point of view of the protocol, the payload can be a string, a file, and image, etc. By contrast, the topic parameter is indeed expected to be a string, hence the buffer pointer char *topic among the function parameters.
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We have also fixed small issues on xmpp side and we are now scoring 94% on compliance test board . Hopefully if we scramble few extra hours this coming weeks we will be providing jabber/xmpp service over web port 443 which will mean we are fully compliant.
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Ullstein GmbH (Advisory Board), Time Warner Inc., USA (Board of Directors), RHJ International S.A., Belgium (Supervisory Board), Axel Springer Schweiz AG, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board of Directors).
Updated 2021-04-18 06:26:34 +00:00 RightToPrivacy / crypto_homes Shell 0 0 Make encrypted $HOME vol disks (same underlying OS) + create / use USB key (from standard usb thumbdrive / sdcard) for your boot $HOME unlock Public Blog Posts (w/updates): bash linux encryption luks aes crypto Updated 2022-11-19 04:54:53 +00:00 RightToPrivacy / proxy-lists 0 1 Collection of Frontends / working proxy lists and Tor .onion / .i2p front ends to various services (like Youtube/Twitter). anonymous reference proxy Updated...
"People are at a very hard-knock stage at the moment, so there are going to be people that are frustrated, they are going to be angry and I think that's across the board, rather than just in Luton or any particular community." Image source, Ben Schofield/BBC Image caption, Luton is not due to have local elections until 2027 but voters will see a general election by the end of January BBC Politics East will be broadcast on Sunday, 10 March at 10:00 GMT on...
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