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The surge in temperature can profoundly affect our cerebral abilities and mental well-being. Dr. Gaurab Basu, Director of Education and Policy at Harvard Chan C-CHANGE, elucidates the human brain's reaction to extreme heat and the importance of understanding our bodies. Video by Natalia Guerrero and Sanjana Bhambhani 24 June 2024 Science & Health Save Explore More Why our brains are bad at understanding big numbers 6 Dec 2024 Science & Health 'Poor sleep' could age your brain faster, new...
In addition to numerous articles on the relationship between ecology, social justice and development, he is also the author of “Khor Jor Kor. Forest Politics in Thailand” (2005, White Lotus), “The Palm Oil Controversy in Southeast Asia. A Transnational Perspective” (2012, ISEAS, with Jayati Bhattacharya) und “A Political Ecology of Agrofuels” (2015, Routledge, with Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels and Achim Brunnengräber).
Ninemsn does an article explicitly about ED itself (link) . Ninemsn links to the Chin-chan page in another article - "'Chin-Chan', a girl with an unfortunately sunken chin)." (link) . June 2008 The NEWSTATESMAN quotes the lolcats article and links to ED (link) .
And I didn't restart the board because I don't know how to setup my own chan server. /leftcel/ works better as part of a larger chan diaspora like here then on it's lonesome on it's own board. > > Anonymous 2024-05-15 (Wed) 17:00:35 No. 6317 File: 1715792435383.png ( 52.25 KB , 603x264 , aaa.png ) > > 6298 please start an independent site again you can't trust these...
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¨ Anonymous 24/11/20(Wed)21:58:01 R No. 1325   >>1326 Some of these pics/vids are dating years ¨ Anonymous 24/11/20(Wed)22:01:31 R No. 1326 >>1325 Back File: 1731647004188.jpg –(8.55KB, 218x232, 1000015465.jpg) %3Ca%20href%3D%22src%2F1731647004188.jpg%22%20onclick%3D%22return%20expandFile%28event%2C%20%271203%27%29%3B%22%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%22src%2F1731647004188.jpg%22%20width%3D%22218%22%20style%3D%22min-width%3A%20218px%3Bmin-height%3A%20232px%3Bmax-width%3A%2085vw%3Bheight%3A%20auto%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fa%3E...