>we had to save yu bcuz you niggers are useless Spartman 09/30/24 (Mon) 01:27:13 No. 1652226 who gives a fuck about europe lmao Spartman 09/30/24 (Mon) 01:42:52 No. 1652230 me > ur mum Spartman 09/30/24 (Mon) 03:27:42 No. 1652253 all of greater islam is gay tho, murrica mostly the coasts File: 1727196838836.png (565.61 KB, 1140x558, 190:93, Hotness chart.png ) Spartman 09/24/24 (Tue) 16:53:58 No. 1651046 [Reply] any other spartmen feel that 5/10 girls are hotter...