Ideally, this should stop bias where a listener would just agree with the spoken letter even if the sound is not yet heard. a.mp4 b.mp4 c.mp4 d.mp4 e.mp4 f.mp4 g.mp4 h.mp4 i.mp4 j.mp4 k.mp4 l.mp4 m.mp4 n.mp4 o.mp4 p.mp4 q.mp4 r.mp4 s.mp4 t.mp4 u.mp4 v.mp4 w.mp4 x.mp4 y.mp4 z.mp4 The 30/70 Rule As a general trope, the 30/70 rule highlights the fact that only of a good setup consists in the actual HAM radio hardware and that is left over for the antenna.