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a tournament where boards submit references to their characters they want to fight in soulcalibur 6 -- each character is customized and created individually in soulcalibur 6's character creator. >where? 8moe /icup/ >when? Soon. Submit a character as soon as you may. >how? give me a reference to whatever contestant you want to fight. choose a fighting style / weapon below with your contestant. 2B Amy Nightmare Siegfried Xianghua Zasalamel Post too long.
But I want to make sure to be established somewhere that will die off shortly. Not saying that is the case for 8moe, just some forewarning and some insight given from some nice anons on /digi/, we moved in while they were moving out. I can dig up more context if you want it.
Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 03:22 [Preview] No. 10808 del http://hackerszone.anonblogy7i3dj6ibey7ynhtxuhfzwpk3wjedwo7kq4qjy5wytom5pid.onion/ Open File ( 71.67 KB 900x900 tee en dee.jpg ) Anon 09/07/2024 (Sat) 12:28 [Preview] No. 10955 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts] dead nigger board Open File ( 1.87 MB 500x288 BlushingThornyDarklingbeetle-size_restricted.gif ) Reglas y Hispachat OB 09/01/2020 (Tue) 19:00 [Preview] No. 278 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts] Tablón principal en 8moe: https://8chan.moe/hisrol/...
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