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Calendar model At its most basic, a calendar is just a collection of events. It would be a relatively easy task to secure such a calendar app with encryption.
Freedom of expression and access to information inform every aspect of DW Akademie's work in media development. Following on from this, our strategic model has human rights at its core, with our goal being to enable all people to freely inform and express themselves. The model provides a comprehensive framework for the planning and implementation of sustainable media development, not just for DW Akademie, but also for others active in the sector.
Nova Group cere despăgubiri de 309 de milioane de euro statului român pentru motivul că anchetele penale împotriva lui Dan Adamescu și a lui Alexander Adamescu ar fi dus la falimentul companiei Astra. Pe lângă cele 309 de milioane de euro despăgubiri financiare, s-au și solicitat 20 de milioane de euro daune morale. 2.